Portage Learning Offering Pathophysiology

Pathophysiology is one of those course’s that is entirely relatable as we have all experienced, to one degree or another, the impact that disease can have on the body. From the cellular level to the body as a whole, Pathophysiology will examine not only the primary root causes of disease development but also the clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment options available. After all, the more we understand the sequence of events that lead to disease development and how it presents, the better we can learn how to properly combat, if not prevent, these unwanted changes.

We have gone to great lengths to develop and deliver a course that will provide the students with a foundational knowledge to prepare them for success in their future fields of study. To do so, the training and experiences of a certified registered nurse practitioner, a physical therapist, and a biomedical researcher and college instructor were used to bring distinct perspectives from within their respective fields. The result of which is a course that delivers diverse insights into the varying aspects that disordered and altered functions have on the body.

As Pathophysiology has been our most requested course by both students and referring schools, we are thrilled to be able to meet their needs and now offer NURS 231 Pathophysiology. At Portage Learning, we bridge the gaps to educational opportunities. See how at www.portagelearning.com.

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